I just finished making all necessary reservations for the trip (or atleast I hope I have). All day yesterday I spent staring at the computer, jotting down figures, and having a general panic attack over finding the
perfect places to stay. Well, I finally

did it. I just hope that we don't get there and discover that the building is really a front for a brothel/coke dealer. Though, it would be a good story, we would just have to add in details about Interpol, near death escapes, and a mo ped chase.
Actually, my worst concern is just that my stuff will get stolen and I will be living abroad for nine months with only one pair of underwear...geesh. Not to mention the amount of couch time I would need if I lost my new Mac...I haven't even seen it yet and it has already established an intricate intertwining with my soul. Which reminds me, I should really give it a name. I have been thinking of what would be suitable, but nothing has struck me yet. The possibilities are: Dexter (as in Dexter's Labratory) but I would call him Dex, Brock (as in Brock

Sampson...Venture Bros) but I kind of feel he is too small for that name, Amadeus because it rocks (and it means "love of God), or Edward but really Ed, BUT if it is a girl...which is yet to be decided...I have other choices: Tinker as in the Belle and a bitchin' elf character, Lara (ya know...Lady Croft...oo that could be cool too), Grace O'Mally, or Beatrice. Any suggestions?? Favorites?? Please help...my little baby is nameles. I also thought of naming it Billy Zane for obvious reasons (Zane for short), but my desktop's name is Bill. See...this is harder than it looks.
I think you should go for something Scottish in honor of the blossoming of you and your computer's relationship in Scotland. William Wallace bitches, FREEEEEDOM! Or you could just give it an immigrant name like Fivel because it's a naked little pilgrim. I usually call my computer HP, but we're on bad terms now since it gave me a 'harddrive detects imminent failure' screen. Thus, I call it by it's full name HEWLITT PACKARD. Hewly is in some deep shit.
Longshanks or Robert the Bruce...
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