1. Pickled Spread: it sounds gross, it looks kind of gross...but it is sooo good with cheese and bread
2. Lemonade: as in a sparkling soda that has lemon flavoring, great mixer
3. Bagpipes and Kilts: the obvious choice but they are icons for a reason...and they're hot
4. University of Edinburgh Main Library: In high school I boasted with pride in achieving my personal goal of not checking out a book from the library for 3 years, but the EU Main Library has so many sexy volumes that I can't stay away. My average is around five books a week and, being the dirty thing that it is, it always leaves me wanting more.
5. Cafes! Yeah, so Europe totally has our asses kicked in this respect. I love that every street is pretty much guaranteed to have a cafe or two on it. I used to have dreams where I had an IV of

6. Cadbury: It comes in every shape, size and flavor you could ever want and it's everywhere! And we only get it once a year in the states! The Easter Bunny is such a mac ... and Santa has some explaining to do.
7. Cinemas: I kid you not, there are four cinema within five blocks of me. ::drool:: Two of them are art houses and the other two are blockbuster, perfect combination. AND the prices are still cheaper than in the US even with the exchange rate. We are such suckers.
8. Student Discounts: Everywhere you go students can usually expect a discount of 10% (except for the bastards at Edinburgh Castle...10.20 pounds for entry ::cough cough rip off cough cough::)
9. UK coverage of US news: Never have I actually consciously stayed tuned to the news, except as it related to the break-up of Brad and Jen (aka "the first sign of the apocalypse"... that high of viewership can't be bought). But since coming to the UK I have actually been interested in US politics and I have been incredibly surprised at the amount of coverage it gets. It's actually really enlightening, to truly know how much we are watched internationally. Just this evening I watched a 30 minute program on the elections and they were in the headlines for every broadcast today. The atmosphere on the talkshow was so much less hostile and caddy than I have ever seen before. The politicians actually discussed the topics, instead of propagating. I recommend checking it out online.
10. The Pace: It wasn't something that I noticed right away, in fact I had come expecting to feel a wave of calm and didn't see any difference. People seemed to walk about the same speed, cars still drove a little above the speed limit, business people in suits still run from meeting to meeting but once I began to live the life for a few weeks I noticed that it wasn't a physical difference but an attitude difference. There isn't the same hurried, frantic, obsessive strain in the air, people expect the same quality but take the human element into account. Here it seems that there is a more general acceptance of friends, relaxation, and partying as valid elements of a well-rounded life. Maybe it's just me, I am still an outsider, but I don't want to go back to the frenzy...I like this pace, it's holistic.

11. Transportation: I can walk to every possible thing I could need in five minutes and anywhere in the city in 30. Besides that, there are buses running across the city constantly and throughout the region for only a pound. Trains are amazing! Although they can be expensive they are now my favorite form of long distance travel. (Driving is still my favorite transportation activity, but it's not about getting from one place to another...it's the feeling of it.) Plus, their buses have two decks! It's so pimp.
12. Diet Soda: I can't explain it, but it really is just better here.
What I Miss about the US:
1. Family and Friends: Not to be cliche or sappy, but you really can't replace the people. While I love Scotland, home will always be where the people I love are.
2. Fresh Produce: What I wouldn't do for a ripe nectarine! They do have apples and bananas in good supply here, but beyond that fruit and veggies are a bit of a rarity.
3. Vanilla Yogurt: Every time I go to the market I find myself staring blankly at the ten thousand types of yogurt and wonder how it is that simple vanilla does not appear.
4. exorbitant amounts of American treats: If vanilla yogurt wasn't enough - After trying to find the ingredients for a few holiday recipes, I ranted for days about the godless fiends who couldn't supply __ to the world! (fill in the blank with: candy corn, pumpkin puree, butterscotch chips, caramel chews, chocolate chips in large bags, rootbeer, cream soda, hot apple cider, marshmallow cream)
5. Exchange rate: It kills me...1.89 dollars to the pound! Then you have to add on the transaction fees. The bastards are taking all my money!! -- okay, my parent's money!!
One last point: It is my belief that a Mars bar and Milkyway are exactly the same...I should know, back to back comparisons. My conclusion, Jedi mind tricks. It's a good thing we all know that Snickers is the clear Supreme Head of the chocolate covered nuget candy bars. (oo0, controversy)