Instead of describing the ins and outs of everything I have done in my new home town, I thought I would just give you a brief overview.
Katie and I arrived in Edinburgh on September 9, to our great relief. Although we both loved the sights, the constant traveling was a bit taxing. Now, my flat was our homebase. Our first impression of Scotland was quite stereotypical. Right as we got off the train and stepped out onto the platform, we spotted a group of Scotsmen in full regalia; kilt, stockings with poofy fuzz balls, black loafers, frilled dress shirt, and plaid cap tipped just-so. Then we walked out of Waverly Station to the sound of bag pipes from a street performer on Princes Street. I love this country. Every single tourist shop blares bag pipe music and pushes "Authentic Highland Wool"...believe me, I have gone in to every tchotchke store in the city.
I met my new flatmates one by one. They are all terribly nice and very studious. Although they are all Freshers, they take their studies pretty seriously but do know how to relax and enjoy the scenery. We even had a roomie dinner, which Sophie and I cooked. We made pizza (btw, don't come here expecting to be able to buy pizza dough...learned that the hard way), courgettes with feta, garlic bread, and we all contributed to desert (Lottie's grandma's apple strudel, Sophie and I's honey ice cream, and the two Kirstens' supplied cake and drinks). It was like having a family dinner. We sat around for hours chatting and laughing. It's good times. My flatmates are great. They are my constant movie buddies; it is a blessing to have people that will just take my advice on a movie! No bickering for hours, just say a movie time and off we go :)

Whoa...talk about a sidetrack. Back to Katie and I. Well, Katie was quite a blessing. She helped me get settled in and even bought me my first tea mugs! The trade off was that we had to hike a few miles so that we could go skipping down the aisles of Waitrose (a UK market she and I had become very attached to). We even fit in some sightseeing before she left me forever. (After a few short days here Katie left me to go back to the states, so since then I have been flying solo.)

Edinburgh Castle: This was the capital city's royal residence for a few hundred years. Now, it's a military base. It has the most spectacular views in the city and it is visible from just about anywhere in the city. As my Aunt Diane said, "Everyone has a view of that frickin' castle!"

Palace of Hollyrood House: This is Edinburgh's current royal residence just down the Royal Mile from Edinburgh Castle and right across from the new Scottish Parliament. It is a sight to be seen. The most spectacular and haunting aspect of the whole palace, though, is the ruins of the abbey. It is absolutely gorgeous. Something about it really grabbed me.
The Elephant Cafe: On a university sponsored cafe crawl, Katie and I had a cup of joe in the same place where Harry Potter was written!! Oh yeah, we are that cool. It has a pretty good mocha, too. JK Rowling picked a good spot, I dig it.
The Pub Down the Street from Me: (that's not it's real name) It was the first place we ate when we came to Edinburgh and it was good. They have veggie burgers for 2 pounds and a student discount.

<--Me at Early Hour: after Katie dragged me out of bed so we could go to the market before her taxi arrived. She is evil.
Edinburgh is a majestic city. It may not have as many landmarks as London or Paris, but it is full of history and a lively atmosphere. Apparently, it also has a deadly atmosphere (oh, that was smooth..no?); it known as "The Haunted City" and "The City of the Dead" because it has a reputation for ghost sightings. I personally have yet to see any apparitions, but I look forward to being introduced. Of course Halloween is all the rage here, which is quite exciting for me. All the stores have their displays out and the city is gearing towards fright fests and costume extravaganzas!! I love it here.
After Katie left, my Aunt Diana and Uncle George stopped by and I hooked up with them for a few outings. Diana and I went to the National Galleries where she completely spoiled me with admission to the Ron Mueck exhibition, lunch, and tea. The Scottish National Gallery has a pretty forbidable collection which kind of took me by suprise. It will definitely be worth a second visit.

I am jealous of these great locations you are getting to go to!
Are your flatmates lovely?? I'm glad you never wrote on me when I was sleeping...although you did strip...I'm sure your flatmates love you! ;)
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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