Sophie and I, after four months preparation, finally made our long sojourn to Roslyn Chappel. That's rights bizzels - we owned that twenty-five minute bus ride! And, we accidently got in for free. I tried to make up for that by purchasing eleven pounds sterling of merchandise. I think cheating a church out of an entrance fee is pretty much asking for damnation.
It was spectacular, though, every inch was engraved stone. And I loved the Latin quote, "FORTE EST VINU. FORTIOR EST REX. FORTIORES SUNT MULIERES: SUP OM VINCIT VERITAS." (1 Esdras 3:10-12) Translated as, "Strong is wine. The King is stronger. Women are stronger still: but truth conquers all."
1 comment:
Haha, that quote is great :).
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